Dear Pelicans,

We want you to know about some changes that have been happening within your conference. The Pelican Reunion Conference is in the process of reorganizing as a Pelican Alumni Association. In fact, we’ve begun calling the conference “Pelican Homecoming Weekend” to reflect the changes that are happening. We want you to be a part of those changes!

Since former Pelicans (and Penguins) are basically ‘alumni’ of Star, the Steering Committee has begun to think about how we can reorganize ourselves like an alumni association, where all Pels are members and have a standing open invitation to be involved in all activities and operations, as they wish. We are in the thinking/forming stages and welcome, encourage, and need your input about who we are, what we want, and how we can bring Pels together on and off island in meaningful ways. We are looking for ways to create opportunities for Pelicans to stay involved with Star Island, meet with groups in their areas, stay connected with their crews, network, and be welcomed together on island.

A survey, posted at, is an easy way for you to be involved. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. We have also sent mailers to those Pels for whom we have addresses and we’re looking for help to connect with Pelicans who have lost touch with the island.

Finally, on a more nuts-and-bolts level, we’d like to announce some changes within our leadership.

After 15 years as conference registrars Marc and Jane Soule decided to step down. We’ll miss their warmth and good humor and are grateful to them for their hard work and dedication to the conference. They’ll be a tough act to follow but we’re grateful that Matt Baya has stepped in as interim registrar for this year. We’re taking applications for the registrar position. More information is posted at

We are also looking for an Assistant Treasurer, who can train under our current, longtime Treasurer, Bob Lightfoot, and eventually take over the position. We thank Bob for his careful stewardship of our finances.

And, the biggest change is that Steve and Edie Whitney have retired from the Conference Steering Committee. They are two of the founders of the Pelican Reunion Conference and have nurtured and supported the conference these last 30 years to the point where a new generation can take on the challenges and rewards of leadership. Steve and Edie have been steady, strong, involved leaders and their guidance and mentorship will be missed. We’re so grateful to them for giving us roots and wings.

So, in summary, there are a lot of changes happening and we hope you will be part of them. Fill out the survey; let us know what you think about the new alumni format; and anything else. We hope you’ll attend Homecoming Weekend September 3-6 (four days) or September 4-6 (three days). And we hope that you will get in touch with us so we can keep you connected to Pelicans and Star Island all year long.

If you want to learn more about Homecoming and/or volunteering please visit,, or connect with us via the Facebook group Pelicans are Pelicans. We’d love to hear from you.


The (formerly-known-as Pelican Reunion Conference) Steering Committee: Matthew Baya, Emily Cann, Sean Elliot, Sue Flynn, Joel Harris, Laurie Lentz-Marino, Bob Lightfoot, Kris LoFrumento, Nancy Meyer, Bruce Parsons, Carole Parsons, Diane Parsons.