Pelican Reunion 2025
August 29 or 30 to September 1
Connecting the Generations of Pelicans
Join us Labor Day weekend for your choice of 2 or 3 nights as we connect, celebrate, and reminisce with our Star Island Pelican family and current Pelicans. We will be celebrating some of our favorite Pelican Traditions such as crew photos, pier plunge, “Christmas in July”, and pier party. You are invited to join any activities at your own interest level and kids are invited to participate in our Pelican-in-Training children’s program. In line with our Theme of “Connecting the Generations of Pelicans”, we will be opening many of our conference events to the 2025 Pelicans. R-A-T-S R-A-T-S, Cinaeco, Cinaeco Har Har Har, We will come back, We will come back, We will come back! ~Your Friendly Pel Reunion Steering Committee (YFPRSC)
Conference Chairs
Jessica Barry and Anne Muller
Minister of the Week
Rev. Mara Dowdall, Burlington, VT will be our spiritual guide as the Minister of the Weekend

Youth Programming
“Pels In Training” is the name of our youth programming. We have a morning and afternoon session most days. Every year our youth participate in the Marine Animal Release the morning of the last day of the Conference. We usually have a young group and older group, 0-9, 10-13 but may vary depending on the youth who sign up. A teen group may be optional.

Program Fee
Adults – $45
Children – $20
Room & Board
PR | Standard Shared | Standard Single | Motel Shared | Motel Single |
2-night | $425 | $580 | $515 | $730 |
3-night | $575 | $780 | $695 | $1000 |
PR | 0-5 Years Old | 6-11 | 12-17 |
Youth 2-night | Free | $200 | $290 |
Youth 3-night | Free | $265 | $390 |