Pelican Reunion 2022
Mending Matters: The Art and Heart of Forgiveness

Dear Pelican Reunion Friends, 
We will come back!!! Our time together on the Island is almost here!  This letter includes all the important info to know and packing guidance. There will be some continued Covid changes this year for safety, but the most important thing to remember is that we get to join together on our Spirit’s home!
Please read below for more information, tips, and details about the following to help you prepare and guide you on your way back to Star! Feel free to email me with any questions!


Our program depends on volunteers to operate safely and smoothly. Please click on the volunteer link below to choose an activity to help out.
All those bringing children – There is an opportunity to volunteer for playing with our young ones during Intergenerational Social Hour at the Dragon playground. We will have backgammon/chess/card games on Linguist Deck and beverages and snacks for all in the Stone Village.
 To volunteer your time and assistance, please click here if you haven’t already!!! Thank you!!!


Remember you are REQUIRED to be at the dock AT LEAST 90 minutes before the boat departs. 
Friday, September 2 (3-night option)
12:25 pm  Depart Portsmouth; Arrival Star Island 1:25 pm
Saturday, September 3 (2-night option)
10:25 am Depart Portsmouth; Arrival Star Island 11:25am
Monday, September 5
2:15 pm Depart Star; Arrival Portsmouth 3:15pm

For more information about boats and parking among other topics, visit:


Fire and Water is a mandatory orientation session to go over safety rules and other important information for your weekend on the island. This will take place immediately upon arrival to Star Island.  In lieu of a conference orientation, we will have boat news to read on your trip out, keep an eye out for that.  We know you are heart broken.


First and foremost, everyone must take a COVID-19 test before arrival on the island. This can be either a rapid antigen (“at home”) test done within 24 hours or a PCR test done within 3 days. We prefer that you take a PCR test, as offered for free at many pharmacies. We will confirm that you’ve tested during check in at the dock.
Proof of Vaccination: All overnight visitors to Star Island who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine are required to have received all doses in the primary series of vaccination (and expected to be boosted). If you have not yet submitted your proof of vaccination to our secure online portal, please do so at the following webpage:
Masks: It is important that all Star Island visitors pack masks for themselves and their families for their stay (surgical, KN95, N95 – not cloth). Indoor mask-wearing policies will be determined on a weekly basis depending on current circumstances, and we will notify you a week or so prior to your arrival of the mask policy for your conference so you know what to expect.
If you display symptoms while on island, you will be given a rapid test on island and required to isolate in your guest room.

For all up-to-date Star Island Covid policies please


Dining has been modified to provide outdoor seating whenever possible, and indoor dining with appropriate spacing and other precautions. Food service is self-serve buffet style, and everyone is required to wash or sanitize hands before entering the dining hall.


Sunscreen & Bug Spray/Hat
Submit Vaccination Information, and you can bring your Card (either the physical card or photo is acceptable) or Negative Covid Test (within 72 hours of arrival)
Your Mask(s)
Clothes/Sturdy Footwear for ALL weather
Talent for Talent Show (or hands to clap in appreciation) 
Item for Silent Auction
Book for Book Swap
Item for Yankee Swap
Swag for Stranger Things/80s Dance Night!!
Cash for Snack Bar, Gift Shop, Fellowship/Social Hour Donation
Swimsuit and beach towel
Payment for hotel bill
Glove for softball game


This year we will be explore what “Mending Matters” means to you in your own way, with opportunities for arts and crafts, Island work projects, journaling prompts from  Desmond Tutu’s The Art of Forgiveness , or our fabulous Speaker talks.  We will be re-imaging Pel-Games as Giant games on the lawn. We have planned a PIT (Pelicans in Training) group for our Pel Reunion children. There will of course be some of the traditional offerings including: Candlelight Chapel, Accessible Marshmellow Roast, Softball game, Ice Cream Social, Yankee Swap, Book Swap, and Intergenerational Social Hour. 

Some of the Star Gathering weekend activities are also open to Pel Reunion. Look at the chalkboard for more options! 

Great News! This year SGFW and Pel Reunion Conferences at Star Island are being offered the opportunity to make beautiful Sea Glass Windows on Sunday, September 4th at 1:30 pm! There is a charge for this optional activity, as all materials and instruction will be provided. (You can also bring some shells, sea glass, etc. from home to add, if you choose.) Participants will need to prepay online, although your payment will be refunded if necessary. This will enable the facilitator to bring the required amount of materials needed to the island. There is a choice of 3 different sizes, priced accordingly. Supervised older children and teens may participate. (There is no shipping charge; although it may appear in the registration link, it should disappear.)If you have any questions, please contact Mike Capers at (508)-789-7035, or; “”. I have already registered for this and look forward to making my sea glass window with you!
To register for the Sea Glass Window activity, click here:

Minister for the Weekend: Becky May 

Speaker Aura Kanegis

Join us for our topic Speaker and Discussions throughout the weekend! There will be an opportunity to share out our Mending Matters with one another on Monday morning.

Book Swap

Bring a book to leave; take a different book home with you on Monday. (Bring two, take two, etc.) We will meet to discuss our contributions and share opinions and thoughts. 

Yankee Swap

Back by popular demand! We guarantee a lot of suspense and fun! If you’d like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift that is either related to Star, totally useless, or cost you virtually nothing to get. Here’s your chance to regift that apron from Aunt Agatha! If you get to the island and have forgotten to bring something, Gift Shop and Snack Bar gift certificates work quite well!  For info or questions contact Elise Anton at

Silent Auction

Bring something upon which others will bid to help raise funds for the Pel Reunion Scholarship Fund. If you forget or don’t want to carry anything, the Shops on Star now offer GIFT CERTIFICATES

Fellowship/Social Hour

Fabulously hosted and paid for by your generous donations, please bring your appetites and donations for the basket please.  For a safer, more distanced approach this year we will be expanding out of Newton, into the stone village, and onto Linquist Deck. For a more-inclusive atmosphere all alcoholic beverages will be available to obtain inside Newton whereas the food and soft drinks will be outside in the stone village. 


The PIT Crew is our children’s program, managed and overseen by Abby Lourie. All registered families will receive an informational email from her. If you have questions, please contact Abby directly ( The PIT groups meet Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and afternoon, and Monday morning.
This summer we have an activity menu that is very exciting. Kids should wear sunscreen, bring a reusable water bottle, and be prepared to throw on a swim suit for extra fun!!  Monday morning is the Marine animal release on the beach and water shoes give kids that extra great view when watching sea dwellers.
There will be a twenty-minute MANDATORY orientation for kids and parents just before the Saturday afternoon PIT program at 1:10 PM!  Please check the chalk board for location of this orientation.


Please note that there will not be Hall Monitors this year. Parents are responsible for their children at all times. Parents are also asked to pitch in and monitor kids during Intergenerational Social Hour. Star Island is a fun and exhausting place. We encourage parents to make sure their children are in bed at these suggested bedtimes: ages 0-4: 7:30 PM; ages 5-9: 8:30 PM; ages 10-13 – 9:30 PM. Well-rested kids are happy kids!


We plan to distribute a conferee address list on Island with your name, address, phone number and email address.  If you prefer to limit that information, please contact our Registrar Nancy Meyer ( no later than August 29th.

Thank you for registering! 

RATS, RATS, Cinaeco, Cinaeco, har, har, har!!
See You Soon!!!
Ellen Clegg
2022 Chair