PIT Crew Policies & Forms

Pelican Reunion Conference Covenant of Right Relationship:


We are committed to be a community of people who love, aid, and support Star Island and each other; welcome and celebrate diversity; and foster and maintain a nurturing, inclusive environment. As part of realizing this mission we strive to ensure the existence of a safe community for all.


Therefore, the relationship among us all must be one that promotes mutual respect and safety. We seek to create an environment free of intimidation; coercion; harassment; assault; physical, sexual and emotional abuse; and neglect.


We will strive to support all who have served and love Star Island and who come together as part of our conference, embracing safe and healthy behaviors within our community.



Children’s Program Contract of Ethical Conduct


Children’s Program leaders* shall agree to abide by the Covenant of Right Relationship before assuming their role. Where a violation of the Covenant is called into question, appropriate action will be taken (See Star Island Corporation Safe Community policies).


I hereby agree to abide by this contract of ethical conduct and to strive to create an affirming, respectful and safe community.


I further state that I have never been convicted of a crime or offense involving unlawful sexual conduct, assault, or endangering the welfare of a child, and that I have never been determined by a court or child welfare agency to have abused a child.









Please print name



Safe Children’s Program Policies


  • All children’s programs will be conducted with a minimum of two adults present. All children’s programs will be held in public spaces. Parental supervision of children at all other times is expected.


  • Leaders of all children’s activities will be required to sign the Contract of Ethical Conduct for the conference.


  • If an allegation of abuse or inappropriate behavior is made, the person to whom notice is given will contact a member of the Pelican Reunion Steering Committee, one member of which will notify other members of the Steering Committee, the parents/guardians of the child(ren) involved, on-island management, and others as specified in the SIC Safe Community Policy.


A copy of these policies will be sent to the Star Island Corporation office annually and posted on the Pelican Reunion website. These policies will be reviewed by the Pelican Reunion Steering Committee annually at their autumn meeting.



Housing of Minor Individuals


Children are housed in accordance with the Star Island Corporation policy.  If teens or youth are roomed together with age peers, we will assure that appropriate adult supervision is provided.



Admissions Policy


Decisions around whether to admit an individual who has exhibited troubling behavior or about whom concerns have been raised will be made by the Steering Committee (not the conference chair/s alone) in consultation with Star Island Corporation management.



Registration Policy


Pelican Reunion welcomes individuals who have served as Pelicans or staff at Star Island along with their partners, children, extended family members, and significant others. By registering for the conference you agree to abide by the conference’s Covenant of Right Relationship


Approved 4/2013, reaffirmed 10/2014

* Leaders include but are not limited to, children’s staff, volunteers, class liaisons, parents in a leadership role, and youth advisors.