Two updates…
First and foremost, Star Island will be re-opening tomorrow! This decision was made in consultation with the Isles of Shoals Steamship Co much earlier than originally anticipated…so please do help spread the word.
If you were registered for the conference, you are still registered…so please arrive at the dock between 8 am – 8:45 am. The boat will depart promptly at 9:25 am.
If you were NOT registered for the conference we have spots available!… BUT, you need to email the Island Registrar, Kristin Laverty, by 5PM so that we have your name on the boat list and on the island’s list for who we’re expecting. Please email
per person room and board rates for the night area as follows (boat and parking rates remain the same)
adult triple occupancy $108
adult double occupancy $117
adult single occupancy $154
adult motel double $132
adult motel single $220
12 – 17 year olds $89
6-11 year olds $61
Once on island we’ll have a modified conference, but we will have many of the things we had planned originally…including the ImProv and Climate Change workshops, social hour, a bonfire, and more!
If you are around or want to head to NH tonight…we have a plan for that too! Come to the Hampshire Inn (where former Pelican, Mark Woolley, is the General Manager) in Seabrook, NH (exit 1 off of 95 in NH).
In the lower level function room we’ll gatheer for…
5:30 pm social hour
6:30 pm pasta dinner
8:00 pm flavored vodka tasting
all thruout the night re-connecting with other former Pels, catching up, viewing old Pel photos, and more!
We invite anyone heading to NH or in the area to join us! If you have ?s call, Kris LoFrumento at 610-451-8979.
Kris LoFrumento & Sue Flynn 2010 Pelican Reunion Co-chairs
PS: A huge thank you to Mark Woolley for hosting us at the Hampshire Inn on such short notice!