Pelican Reunion 2024

August 30 or 31 to September 2


Story Telling

Join us Labor Day weekend as we experience, celebrate, and reminisce with our Star Island family. Share your stories and learn more about your fellow Pels through their stories. There will be storytelling events throughout the weekend. Participate in activities or relax. Your kids can participate in our Pelican-in-Training children’s program.


Conference Chairs

Kirsten Sorensen & Amy Meek

Minister of the Week

Kyle Belmont

Photo of Marine Lab Animal Release

Youth Programming

“Pels In Training” is the name of our youth programming. We have a morning and afternoon session most days. Every year our youth participate in the Marine Animal Release the morning of the last day of the Conference. We usually have a young group and older group, 0-9, 10-13 but may vary depending on the youth who sign up. A teen group may be optional.

Photo of Marine Lab Animal Release

729Program Fee

$40 adult / $20 child

Room & Board

PR Standard Shared Standard Single Motel Shared Motel Single
2-night $408 $542 $496 $702
3-night $552 $729 $671 $965


PR 0-5 Years Old 6-11 12-17
Youth 2-night Free $193 $278
Youth 3-night Free $256 $373